Our January Winter Travels and Adventures around Arizona

We look forward to January every year because we spend the month traveling and exploring the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. This year was a little different for us. The first part of the month we spent a week at a rally called the United Rally which was held by a YouTube channel Switch It Up. The Rally was really a great experience for us. We had a great time, meet some amazing humans and genuinely just enjoy our time there. The rest of the month we spent in and around Quartzsite, Arizona. Each year we get there the second week of January and spend the rest of the month there at Q Rally. This year was Q25, it had a little different feel this year in a very positive way. We really enjoyed out time with friends in the desert this year. The pervious years were great, but something about this year so much better. We look forward to Q26 that’s for sure.

The following video shows a little of our adventures, please enjoy and as always if you have any question don’t hesitate to ask, we love the interaction with those that follow us.

Alliance RV Vegas Rally 2024

Hi everyone, over the past week Tessie and I headed to Las Vegas, Nevada to attend our first RV rally, The Alliance Vegas Ally Rally 2024 and it was in a word amazing. I found out about the rally in the first part of 2024 after we returned from our annual trip to Quartzsite for the Big Tent and Q Rally. At first, I was not sure if rally life would suit us, since Tessie and I are such spur of the moment travelers but decided to find out more information about it and ultimately during information gathering process it threw our names in the hat, and we were invited to attend. So, the prep started with getting the rig in “Rally” mode which I don’t even know if that is a thing, but I there we were getting everything ready for this new adventure. So, we decided to get there the day before all the events happened since we were not traveling that far, so we headed out Tuesday morning the day of the official kickoff. We drove from San Diego where we Cabin Host at Santee Lakes Regional Campground and headed east to Las Vegas. The trip, like 99% of our trips, was pretty uneventful thankfully, we drove stopped halfway to enjoy brunch at arguably our favorite diner Peggy Sue’s Diner just outside of Barstow, California off highway 15. Anytime we are heading east on Highway 15 Peggy Sue’s will always get our business, it’s also great that they are now a Harvest Host stop for rver’s. After brunch we continued heading to our Vegas destination with a stop just outside of Baker, California at one of the newly renovated rest areas. After our 6-hour journey we pulled into Oasis RV Resort, truth be told we have passed this resort probably 20 times on our too or through Las Vegas and never knew this place was there, not that we hadn’t heard about it from fellow rver’s in YT videos, but we had no idea where it was located until, but we do now. After checking in and getting parked, we got the rv all set up headed over to the main meeting hall where all the events would be happening, we walked in and saw a friendly face which is always a great thing, and from that point on the adventure and fun began. During this first evening, we had the pleasure to finally meet Ryan Brady, and Bill Martin, Bill you are definitely a positive light sir, your passion and commitment to Alliance RV and us the owners is matched, so glad you are on our side. Also, during this time got a chance to meet April Clark, and Rob Boyer who literally kept the show going and were the go-to crew throughout the week. These two were always literally everywhere, I have no idea how they did it all, but they definitely had a great crew of helpers with them. Thank you, April and Rob, for all the hard work, it all turned out amazing from my purview. During the next 3 days there were so many activities and seminars, also the shear amount of work the Alliance Service crew took on was monumental. We saw everything from wall trim repairs to axle replacements. The true professionalism on display by the Alliance Service team was something to behold. As someone with a background in service and customer care, I truly appreciated seeing the service team in action. Besides the Alliance crew we were able to put names to faces that we see on the many Alliance Facebook groups. I want to thank Bob & Lorraine Mitchell, John & Kim Tyer, Mark & Angie Wilkerson, Tom & Robin Ross, and Jason & Kimberly Anderson for your hospitality and FamAllyShip, meeting and hanging out with all of you was fantastic, we definitely look forward to meeting up with you all at some point on our journey and travel’s I have to say that this was a fantastic week and we will definitely attend another Alliance RV rally, hopefully we can make it to the National Rally in Indiana who knows.