What’s Going On!
Jan 13th 2024
This week we will be heading to Quartzsite, Arizona for the Q24 Rally/Meetup for Content Creators. If you are in the area or just want to come checkout the Q and all things around it, some and join us its free, and the humans are friendly.
Oct 12th, 2023
Well currently we are on a Southwest kinda run to get to Irving, Texas so that i can officiate my sons wedding. This has been a very long time coming so we got to get going to get there on time.
Our first stop will be at our favorite rv park in Gila Bend, Arizona called Sonoran Desert RV Park. This will be just a one night stop for us as we make our way across the the southwest.
This run will take us from Santee, California to Southern Arizona, then on to New Mexico, Oklahoma and finally Irwing, Texas for the wedding. Our Return trip will be down the southern route since we need to make a run down to Houston, Texas to visit friend, then we will head back to San Diego.
If you happen see us on the road or you’re reading this, hit us up on this page Instagram or Facebook and say hello. We love to interact with those who follow us or happen to see us traveling down the highway.
CAT Scale
Feature 1
Weighing the rig.