As we go from destination to destination one of the the reoccurring things is to find safe and interesting places to stay, and Hanger 25 fit that to a T.
If your sitting there reading this and wondering what the hell is Harvest Host and what does it have to do with Hanger 25, well let me explain. First off Harvest Host is an amazing program that utilizes local business i.e. Farms, Wineries, Museums, Golf courses and other business in a given area. These business have teamed up with Harvest Host to provide safe places for travels to stop for the night and rest, but also allows the businesses to be supported as well by the travelers. It is such an amazing program for the cost it really can’t be beat. If you are interested please click on the link and join, with my link you will save 20% 0n your initial membership with Harvest Host.
So now that you know what Harvest Host is let me get you caught up on Hanger 25 a wonderful Harvest Host stop.
Hanger 25 which is located in the city of Big Springs, Texas. Hangar 25 Air Museum is housed in a fully restored WWII era hangar. The mission of Hangar 25 Air Museum is to promote education through the collection, preservation and exhibition of the history of the Big Spring Army Air Force Bombardier School and Webb Air Force Base while honoring all veterans, past and present.
How did we end up here, well it was pretty simple, a couple of years ago i was watching a YouTube vlog of couple of full-timers who were traveling through Texas and needed an overnight stop, so they looked for a Harvest Host and Hanger 25 was that stop for the night. They did a great vlog on the site and from that point on it had been on my radar. So fast forward to this winter as we were traveling to see our son who moved to Dallas , Texas, the route that we were taking from New Mexico to Dallas had us going right through Big Springs, Texas, and of course I made the decision to take our rest day at Hanger 25 and i’m really glad I did. For someone that is a fan of all things military and especially all things military that fly this just seemed like the perfect place for us to explore, and explore. They have some pretty amazing artifacts from the second world war and also some really cool training and experimental aircrafts which over the span of my life in one form or another I studied and was a fan boy of. From the museum had bombers, fighters and planes that accomplished reconnaissance for the United States to get the job done. One of the coolest parts of this base where the museum sits is that the base was used as the main training base for the bomber crew that dropped the bomb on Japan during WWII so there is some great history in this are. So if your traveling through the northern part of Texas and need a stop for the night, i would highly suggest a stop at this Harvest Host. Hanger 25 is pretty cool. As for RV parking there is enough parking for a few dozen RV’s onsite so that is never an issue. They do have water and there is power as well if you require electrical for the night. If you stop here make time to tour the museum you won’t regret it.